Listen to a WORT 89.9 radio interview with Anahkwet from the Menominee, Edith Leoso from Bad River, and Tom Grotewohl from ProtectThePorkies campaign about the upcoming Gichigaming Water Walk!
Saturday, September 14th, 2024
Start Time: 8 a.m. CT
End Time: 5 p.m. CT
The Walk will be followed by a Feast and Speakers in the Porcupine Mountains State Park Picnic Area
Route Map — 31 miles
START: 414 Silver Street, Ironwood, MI, 49938
END: the shore of Gichigami (Lake Superior) in the Presque Isle Scenic Area of Porcupine Mountains State Park
*** Through SPOT tracking technology, it will be possible to locate the Walk and join at any point throughout the day.
The Gichigaming Water Walk is being held in response to proposals for new metallic sulfide mines within the Lake Superior watershed, specifically the Copperwood Mine — closest metallic sulfide mine to Lake Superior in history — as well as the reopening of the White Pine Mine, previously defeated by the Bad River Train Blockade.
A Water Walk is not a protest, however: it is a ceremony to honor our connection to Nibi (Water), the Land, and the diverse Lifeforms of this area. Just as groundwater, streams, lakes, clouds, and precipitation are united in a seamless conversation, so too is the wellbeing of we humans interwoven with that of the Elements and our Other-Than-Human Relatives.
Individuals of all physical abilities are invited to participate. Since the Walk will follow a relay format, with vehicles waiting at regular checkpoints to advance participants onward when they require rest, you may walk as short or as long of a distance as you like.
To join the Gitchigaming Water Walk and stay up to date on details, please RSVP to (or fill out the form below).
An RSVP is not mandatory, but having a head count and email list will facilitate planning in this rugged area with limited amenities and infrastructure.
Active mines and new proposals throughout the Lake Superior watershed.
Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Yes! Everyone is welcome to participate in the Gitchigaming Water Walk.
The Water Walk follows a "relay" format, like the passing of the torch in the ancient marathon events. You may walk as short or as long as you like. Cars will be stationed at checkpoints to transport participants who need to rest. Even taking a single step for the Water is encouraged.
We ask participants to be self-sufficient with lodging. There are ample AirBnB and hotel / motel options throughout the area. There is reservable camping near Ironwood (where the Walk starts) at Legion County Park, Saxon Harbor Park and Weber Lake in Iron County. There is also free camping near where the Walk concludes — please write in advance to request a free camping space, since this is a densely forested area with limited space. If you are a Tribal Elder, please contact us and we will strive to provide you with a free option:
Media is welcome to cover the Water Walk, with the exception of the opening and closing ceremonies. Walk Leaders may be available for interview after the Walk has concluded.
To respect the sacred nature of the ceremony, and for the health of the animal, dogs are not permitted on the Walk.
No. Every step of the walk is to be placed in conscious compassion as a prayer of protection for this area.