The Porcupine Mountains and Lake Superior don't just belong to a single township, county or state — they belong to all of us, and they belong to no one but themselves.
This petition is our most powerful symbol of public resistance and is a crucial tool in communicating our message to media, regulators, politicians, and the world at large. Please share with others!
In 2024, the Michigan Senate Appropriations Committee blocked a $50 million taxpayer-funded grant to the proposed Copperwood Mine, not once but TWICE. This victory was in large part due to our campaign mobilizing tens of thousands of citizen advocates to put pressure on our elected officials and is a tremendous example of People Power in action. But we must remain vigilant: news articles are reporting that the company will continue seeking the grant in 2025.
Please reach out to the members of the Senate Appropriations Committee regarding these two points:
E-mail Addresses (copy and paste the full list into the To: field of an email)
Phone Numbers
Sarah Anthony (Majority Chair) 517-373-6960
Sean McCann (Majority Vice Chair) 517-373-5100
John Cherry 517-373-0142
Rosemary Bayer 517-373-2417
Sylvia Santana 517-373-0990
Jeff Irwin 517-373-2406
Kevin Hertel 517-373-7315
Darin Camilleri 517-373-7918
Veronica Klinefelt 517-373-7670
Mallory McMorrow 517-373-2523
Mary Cavanagh 517-373-7748
John Bumstead (Minority Vice Chair) 517-373-1635
Thomas Albert 517-373-1734
John Damoose 517-373-2413
Mark Huizenga 517-373-0797
Rick Outman 517-373-3760
Lana Theis 517-373-2420
See the Homepage for inspiration. Even if you are only saying "thank you," it is always helpful to reiterate our arguments. More talking points can be found here.
If the project is to advance, may it do so on its own two feet along with the rest of us, through the forces of the free market without the interference of a corporate welfare handout from our pockets. Why should the taxpayers bail out a failing foreign company who wants to ship our copper abroad? This is a message politicians on both sides of the aisle can get behind. Tell our elected officials this is a controversial and divisive use of taxpayer dollars.
The Governor has the power to intervene with Michigan's environmental regulators and halt permitting to the proposed Copperwood Mine. Contact the Governor today and demand a formal state review of the Copperwood Mine. Find talking points here.
The Attorney General also has the power to influence Michigan's environmental permitting regulators. Contact the A.G. today and demand a formal state review of the Copperwood Mine. Find talking points here.
Michigan's Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) continues to approve permits to the proposed mine, despite significant environmental concerns, disruptions to outdoor recreation, and public pushback. Urge them to stand with the people of Michigan by denying all additional permits!
The Gogebic County Board of Commissioners continue to approve Resolutions of Support for the mine, despite pushback from the community, the local Tribe, and folks from around Michigan and beyond. Contact the Commissioners and tell them: 1) your tourist dollars are on the line; 2) the County's reputation is on the line; 3) Lake Superior and the Porcupine Mountains belong to all of us!
Every single person has unique skills, resources, and time allowance to commit to this important cause. As a campaign based in a remote and scarcely populated area, we will only be successful if we have the help of many thousands of passionate individuals.
Please consider contributing by:
Now that you've got the message, what will you do?
ProtectThePorkies is run entirely by volunteers dedicating considerable time and energy to this important cause. As a small team, we strive to make efficient and constructive use of funding. Your contributions assist greatly with our mission.
You may also mail checks to this address:
PO Box 6
Wakefield, MI
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