The $50 million taxpayer-funded grant to the proposed Copperwood Mine is back under discussion in the Michigan Senate and is expected to reach a vote in December.
To emphasize the significance of this moment: the grant text specifically states that, "if the project is not supported it will not move forward"; on the other hand, if the grant is approved, the mining company will tout it as an "official Michigan endorsement," resulting in an avalanche of fresh funding and potentially the capital to start the operation. So we find ourselves at an exciting crossroads!
Please join us in writing and calling the members of the Appropriations Committee to demand a rejection of the grant. Below you will find the addresses and phone numbers of the Senators, as well as information to inspire your message.
You can also fill out this Fast Action Form (takes just two minutes) — when possible, we recommend writing / calling directly.
Phone Numbers
Sarah Anthony (Majority Chair) 517-373-6960
Sean McCann (Majority Vice Chair) 517-373-5100
Kristen McDonald Rivet 517-373-1725
John Cherry 517-373-0142
Rosemary Bayer 517-373-2417
Sylvia Santana 517-373-0990
Sue Shink 517-373-2426
Jeff Irwin 517-373-2406
Kevin Hertel 517-373-7315
Darin Camilleri 517-373-7918
Veronica Klinefelt 517-373-7670
Mallory McMorrow 517-373-2523
Mary Cavanagh 517-373-7748
John Bumstead (Minority Vice Chair) 517-373-1635
Thomas Albert 517-373-1734
John Damoose 517-373-2413
Mark Huizenga 517-373-0797
Rick Outman 517-373-3760
Lana Theis 517-373-2420
E-Mail Addresses
If writing an email, please give a strong subject which immediately communicates your point.
Whether calling or writing, consider including some of these arguments (further elaborated in the Template Letter):
The letter below is likely much longer than the one you will draft. Please use it for inspiration. We will be taken more seriously if we send letters in our own words rather than copy-pasting.
Out-of-state residents are encouraged to participate: emphasize the importance of tax dollars, or the reputation of Michigan.
Those who live in Senator Anthony's district may suggest that their vote is on the line.
To [Senator name here]:
I understand that you are under pressure to revive the $50 million taxpayer-funded grant to the proposed Copperwood Mine, a highly controversial operation owned by Canadian company Highland Copper, which would seek to mine next to and underneath Porcupine Mountains State Park — ranked in 2022 as the most beautiful State Park in the country (1) — ship the copper back to Canada, and store over 30 million tons of mine waste in the closest metallic sulfide waste facility to Lake Superior in history (right next to the North Country Trail, the longest of all national hiking trails). Suffice it to say, although this project may be supported by a few business and political leaders, it is adamantly opposed throughout Michigan and beyond:
— There is currently a petition of over 45,000 individual signatures calling for an immediate halt to the project’s development (2).
— When the grant was initially presented at the Michigan Strategic Fund, Letters of Opposition and Concern were sent from the Michigan and Wisconsin Sierra Club, the North Country Trail, the Keweenaw Bay Indian Community, the Michigan Environmental Council, and many others (3).
— On September 14th, members from Tribal Nations along with non-Native allies carried a container of water 31 miles on foot in response to the proposed mine. Present were members from the Keweenaw Bay Indian Community, Lac Vieux Desert, Lac du Flambeau, Red Cliff, Bad River, and the Menominee (4).
Here are just a few of the reasons that the Copperwood Project is not an appropriate recipient of taxpayer revenue:
In summary, Copperwood is simply too divisive of a project to be worthy of taxpayer funding. The Senate Appropriations Committee wisely chose not to include the Copperwood grant in the 2025 budget. Please continue to trust in the good judgment which led to this outcome and earned you the applause of tens of thousands across the great State of Michigan, who value clean water and spectacular outdoor recreation opportunities over boom-and-bust jobs and the pocket-padding of foreign executives.
I urge you not to revive the grant. If the bill does reach session, I urge you and your colleagues to reject it with utmost vigor.
Thank you for your consideration.
Proud Michigander
(1) Porcupine Mountains ranked as most beautiful State Park in the country
(2) Petition of 45,000+ signatures opposing the proposed Copperwood Mine:
(3) Letters of Opposition from organizations and individuals:
(4) “Tribes to carry water 30 miles on foot in opposition to proposed UP mine”
(5) GLIFWC Copperwood Dam Rupture model
(6) Study: All copper sulfide mines contaminate
(7) Copper to be shipped out of country — See Highland Copper’s Feasibility Report, page 19-3:
(8) Study: Analyzing the Economic Implications of Mining for Nonmetropolitan Regions
(9) Study: Copper mining leads to net job loss in outdoor recreation economies
(10) Grant Text
We need Senator Anthony to receive thousands of messages and phone calls this month, so once you've done your part, motivate others to join us!
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